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Investor Relations
EzWeb Presentation provides critical Investment and Business information to existing and potential new Investors, Analysts and the Press exactly at the same time - no matter where in the world they happen to be.

There is a continuous demand from Professional Investors, Fund managers, Insurance companies, Banks and Brokers for latest Corporate facts and figures. There is an ever increasing demand for more briefings and strategic updates for Investment analysts requiring corporate information presented in a clear and concise manner. This constant demand for more information has made Investor Relations an all year round job. Webcasting Investor events have become commonplace. Even Quarterly conference calls webcasts to Professional Investors are now the norm.
EzWeb Presentation enables IR organizations to deliver Investor information in key areas such as:

Annual General Meetings
Earnings Calls
Financial Conferences
Financial Roadshows
Equity Research
Mutual Funds Briefings

As a result IR managers are able to:

Communicate Company's message directly to Investors
Target an interested Investor audience
Assess the Impact and refine your message immediately
Achieve a broader reach
Save time and money
Clearly tell your story

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